Your Local Partners Are NOT Marketers!

Are your local partner marketing campaigns not gaining adoption?

Here’s why:

It doesn’t matter how much co-op you give your partners if you can’t do these 2 things:

  1. Drive results 
  • With the tools and technology available today, you can manage your partner campaigns at scale while still optimizing towards leads.
  • Business owners may not be marketers, but they do know when sales are up.
  1. Show the value of the campaigns
  • Marketing becomes intangible if a partner can’t see, touch, or feel the results. Then the program is not working in their eyes.
  • So yes robust dashboards are great, but make sure you provide partners with a bite-sized version of results each month in an email to remind them.
  • Make your team accessible to walk them through their reporting, because sometimes sentiment is considered the most important metric.
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