SproutLoud Anti-Spam Policy
If you believe you have been spammed by one of SproutLoud’s customers, please notify us via e-mail to abuse@sproutloud.com.
By using SproutLoud’s E-mail Marketing Service (hereinafter referred to as “the Service”), the Customer accepts to use it in compliance with the SproutLoud Anti-Spam Policy stated below. The use of the Service is also subject to the applicable Privacy Policy and Terms and conditions of Service. SproutLoud follows a zero tolerance spam policy and prohibits users from sending unsolicited e-mails in any form while using the Service.
SproutLoud follows a number of industry initiatives and best practices that promote responsible, permission-based e-mail marketing.
1. Legal Requirements
> CAN SPAM Act of 2003
> Directive 2000/31/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 8 June 2000, on legal aspects of information society services, in particular, electronic commerce in the Internal Market (‘Directive on Electronic Commerce’),
> Directive 2002/58/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 12 July 2002, concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector (‘Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications’)
> Laws in force of Customer’s country of residence.
2. What Is Spam?
Spam, also known as junk mail, is an unsolicited e-mail message. The term ‘spamming’ refers to transmitting, distributing or delivering any unwanted e-mail correspondence, especially in mass quantities, through the electronic means of communication such as E-mail, SMS, Text messaging etc.
3. Verification
Subscribers can be added to your SproutLoud account based on the terms and conditions defined during the sign-up process. The recipients may either send a blank e-mail to your account e-mail address or fill out a capture form on your website. The e-mail addresses thus collected can be either imported or added to the mailing lists in your SproutLoud account manually. In such cases, you must have your subscriber’s permission to process their data. You must not send messages to any person that has not expressed their consent to receive such information from you.
SproutLoud will send every new subscriber a message confirming their interest in receiving information from you. SproutLoud does not provide the customers with an ability to purchase e-mail lists using their networking resources.
We recommend “Confirmed Opt-in” to all users. This efficiently prevents spam complaints and makes the list much more responsive, as subscribers are receiving information they expect. The confirmation e-mail may be customized, so that recipients can easily recognize to which list they subscribed to.
SproutLoud strictly prohibits users from renting, leasing and/or purchasing e-mail addresses from a third party, as well as from gathering them through surreptitious methods, such as scraping or harvesting. The use of any kinds of automated solutions, software or scripts is strictly forbidden. You may store, manage the data and send electronic information only to those recipients who have expressly agreed to receive such information from you.
4. Content of Your Messages
The Customer must provide true and accurate information to be used in their e-mail headers, i.e. “From” and “To” data must clearly identify the sender. The Subject line must not be deceptive, and thus mislead the subscriber about the purpose and content of the message.
5. Postal Address
The Customer must provide their true and accurate postal address that will be included in every message’s footer. The Customer is required to maintain and promptly update this data to ensure it is current, complete and accurate. SproutLoud actively monitors all outgoing messages to verify that proper sender’s information is included in the message content.
6. Removals
Each message sent from a SproutLoud account contains an unsubscribe link that cannot be removed. The link automatically updates the mailing list to ensure that a subscriber that has opted out will not be sent any further mailings. Based on the e-mail volume an unsubscribe request may take up to 10 business days to be removed completely from all future mailings.
The Customer is not allowed to send messages to any individual that had been added to the mailing list, but later unsubscribed from it. SproutLoud automatically handles all unsubscribe requests on Customer’s behalf. The list of individuals that have opted out shall be provided in the Customer’s account upon request.
7. Agreement Violations
The Customer must not use the Service to send any unsolicited and unwanted e-mail correspondence. Neither the SproutLoud.com e-mail address, nor the SproutLoud URL may be included in a bulk message or in a bulk-advertised web page.
We reserve the right to issue a warning, should the Customer be found spamming or using the Service for any abusive or illegal practices. Appropriate actions, such as terminating Customer’s account without notice or a refund, charging a $500 cleanup fee and/or reporting the Customer and the incident to their ISP and proper authorities shall be taken should the Customer appear to perform or be performing such practices, despite the explicit warning. Without limiting the foregoing, the Customer shall be liable for any loss incurred or damage suffered by any third party should such loss result from non-compliance with the Policy. In such a case, SproutLoud shall seek compensation from the Customer.