Thibault, The Performance Marketer

You wouldn’t set and forget your brand campaigns, would you?

So why should your local partners?

Your partners may not be exclusively selling your products or services.

So that means they are also promoting other products and services as well.

Make sure you are optimizing for the best possible performance because you have a lot of competition for getting partners signed up for your marketing programs.

Your competition = Local agencies, in-house marketers, and maybe a cousin or 2 😅 .

The best way to ensure you can increase your market share and revenue is:

📊 Providing the best performance possible.

🔔 Being proactive with recommendations showing a high level of service which can be done in a scalable way.

🧠 Using your macro brand data that other agencies won’t have.

This will help get your partners better performance much faster and use years and millions of dollars of spend data to help them with their campaigns.

Start using your data to your advantage!

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